
The TRIFORCE® blog is all about sharing our passion for building, either through our bloggers’ opinions on the market or on technical matters related to wood building. Through these articles, case studies and stories, we hope you’ll learn more about the open joist TRIFORCE® and floor system performance.

The TRIFORCE® blog is a forum for ideas and opinions and, by all means, we invite you to share your experiences in the response section. If the blog inspires you to seek actual technical advice suited to your circumstances, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a more in-depth conversation. We’ll be happy to help!

Open joist Triforce® isn’t just a joist, it’s a floor system

Install a series of joists, secure floor sheathing on top of them and you have a floor. But, for it to be an effective floor system, there’s more to it than that.  At TRIFORCE®, we aim to create floor systems that surpass industry standards, providing strength, durability, and comfort.  Here are the main elements in … Continued

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Logistical considerations for floor system design

When it comes to designing and installing a floor system, having strength as well as deflection and vibration performance at lowest possible cost is a natural objective. But there are also logistical considerations that come into play. Any one of these can impact your project either time-wise or cost-wise. Locations of Electrical, Plumbing and HVAC … Continued

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How to avoid notching floor joists

Manufacturers of engineered wood floor joists are unanimous on this point. Never, ever notch a floor joist or bore through the chords. Upper chord or lower chord, notching is prohibited because it could cause the joist to fail. Yet joist frequently get mistreated this way. Why? How can we avoid notching floor joists altogether? Planning … Continued

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Green building materials: looking for joists?

Green building is trending strongly. Many designers, engineers and builders are realizing the importance of sustainability for their customers. The hunt for green building materials is on. If you’re looking, you’ll find joists that are an excellent choice for green building construction. Green Benefits of engineered wood First of all, when it comes to framing, … Continued

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Update on construction at York Beach Residence Club project in York, Maine

In the spring, our guest blogger Bill Sweeney from Coastal Forest Products wrote about a big project in York, Maine (see part 1 and part 2 of this series). This MDU condo project, is now well into the Plumbing, Electrical and HVAC installation.  Bill describes it for us  Update on construction at York Beach Residence … Continued

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When in doubt, check load calcs…and call the manufacturer

Sometimes hastily taken on-the-spot decisions can start nagging you immediately and not let go. This was the case for one builder on one of my recent calls. A duct chase In this project involving TRIFORCE® open joist, the builder removed a joist to accommodate a duct chase. In the above photo you can see chase’s … Continued

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Customer satisfaction strategies for floor assemblies in multifamily construction

You can go a long way in creating a quality living environment in multifamily units through careful attention to floor assemblies. Improved quality can also reflect positively on your reputation as a builder. In this post, I’ll talk about how to reduce floor vibration, one of the more frequent occupant complaints in multifamily construction. Reduced … Continued

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Devil in the details

There are so many details that make up a well constructed house. The best way to attend to all of them is to think of the finished product as series of interlocking systems that depend on each other. The structure of a building has a direct impact on how the mechanicals will go into it. … Continued

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The ultimate advice for cutting holes into joists: Don’t.

Have you ever taken part in a conversation that involved cutting holes in I-joists? Was it because an improper cut called for a repair? Or was it a communications issue between subcontractors as to the exact placement of the holes? Did you find yourself wishing there was an easier way to just get on with … Continued

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Triforce helped us out big time on this project – Part 2

In the second part of this unique look at a big project in Maine, Bill Sweeney, our guest blogger from Coastal Forest Products talks about the detail that convinced the Engineer of Record to replace plated trusses by TRIFORCE®. Again, our thanks to Bill Sweeney  TRIFORCE®  helped us big time on this project, Part 2 … Continued

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*Note/mention: The designer and/or general contractor of the project or building must ensure the accuracy of the technical information discussed in this blog over the years and always rely on the most up-to-date product’s requirements, specifications and installation guidelines available online on this website, and the applicable codes and standards.